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Welcome to the North London Chorus Ticketing Website

All our tickets are delivered by email, so we need to confirm some details before you buy tickets on this site. Please login or register by clicking the login/register button above. If you have never used the site before, you only need your email address and name to register and choose a password. If you have previously registered and forgotten your password, you can reset it.

Once logged in, you can not only buy tickets, but also retrieve/reprint any tickets you have already bought, and join/leave our mailing list for information on future events.

Description Please join us for our Come and Sing of the Verdi Requiem. This will not be a teaching event, so you are expected to be familiar with the piece, or a very good sightreader. Please see full details here before booking. 

The event starts at 14:00. Access to the venue from 13:40.